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Frequently Asked Questions

If our child is placed on the waiting list, when will we be informed that a place is available?

As soon as the Registrar has been given notification in writing from a parent of a child leaving in that particular year group, the next child on the waiting list will be contacted to come in for an assessment.

Why do I not get told where my child is on the waiting list?

Children are placed on the waiting list in order of their date of registration. Only British passport holders have priority at the school and will go straight to the top of the waiting list.

When our child is called for an assessment, how long is it before we are informed if he/she has been successful?

Please allow a minimum of five working days (not including school holidays) for the result.

Will our child have an opportunity to come into the school before their first day?

All children in the Prep School, as part of their assessment, will spend part of their time in the classroom.

Will our child start on the same day as everyone else?

Not necessarily. It depends on the time of year your child is offered a place. At the beginning of the year Nursery and Reception children will have staggered starts to allow the children to settle into school. Parents will be advised in advance dates and times for their child.

Do we have to wait for Ministry of Education approval before our child can start?

Children who are Non-Saudi nationals can start school prior to Ministry of Education approval if all of the necessary documentation required by the Ministry has been submitted to the school prior to their start date. Ministry approval will then be sought by the school as part of the admissions process.

Children with Saudi passports MUST have obtained Ministry of Education approval prior to the application process commencing.

At what stage will my child have the opportunity to choose their examination subjects (otherwise known as options choices)?

Children in Year 9 & Year 11 will select their options in the Spring term (Term 2).

What is the most convenient way to pay fees?

Bank transfer (referencing your child’s name/form group) is the easiest way to pay fees as this demonstrates proof of payment. Cash can be taken but is not advisable. The Finance Office is open from 7.30am to 2.45pm from Sunday to Thursday.

School Bank Details

Account Number: 042-004465-001
IBAN No: SA48 4500 0000 0420 0446 5001
Bank Address: The Saudi British Bank King Abdul Aziz Street PO Box 394 Al Khobar 31952
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Swift Code: SABBSARI

What are the fees and how often are fees payable?

Fees charged are dependent on year group. Check School Fees for details of tuition charges and payment dates.

Where can I get specific information regarding procedures in each school?

Email the PAs and they will help or direct you to the relevant member of staff.

Prep School

Senior School and Sixth Form

Where can I buy uniform?

You can order the uniform online on Zaks website

Or visit their store which is located in Amwaj Mall, Al Khobar.

WhatsApp number: +966 53 656 8944

If there is anything you would like to know and it has not been mentioned here, please do not hesitate to contact our school Registrar at