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Preparatory School

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Preparatory School

BISAK is well known for being one of the leading schools in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia. It is such a friendly and family-orientated school and the children thrive in its nurturing environment because we always focus on doing what is best for them. Through our motto ‘Let there be peace on earth’ and living the BISAK values, we also look to bring out the best in each of our pupils, not only academically but socially and emotionally as well, during their time with us.

The Prep School is divided into age phases that are led by the members of the Preparatory Leadership Team. Our dedicated staff provide high-quality teaching and learning through lessons that follow the English National Curriculum. This is modified for our international setting. Our children in Nursery and Reception follow the English Early Years Framework. Across the school, our curriculum includes broad, balanced and inspiring themes. Our high expectations and high standards of teaching are not the only factors that contribute to our success. We also have strong pastoral care and a variety of after-school activities. Our pupils leave us with British values that allow them to take their place in the world as proud global citizens.

Tammy Naidoo B.Prim Ed, M.Ed, NPQH
Preparatory School Headteacher

BISAK Curriculum

At BISAK we aim to provide the children with a curriculum which is exciting, broad, well-balanced and above all stimulates the children to learn. In addition to acquiring skills and knowledge, we aim to help the children feel valued and develop their independent skills, confidence and maturity so that they can enter Senior School and adulthood with the ability to pursue wholeheartedly a wide range of academic, social and cultural activities.​

We follow the National Curriculum for England and Wales that comprises:​

  • Early Years’ Foundation Stage curriculum for our pupils in Nursery and Reception
  • Three core subjects – English, Mathematics and Science​
  • Foundation subjects – History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art, Music, Physical Education (PE), Computing and MFL (Foreign Languages) – Arabic and Spanish​

We place great emphasis on Numeracy and Literacy as these underpin many of the other aspects of the taught curriculum.​ Whilst the core subjects are taught on a regular basis, the foundation subjects may be taught as blocks of work over a matter of weeks.​ Our planning often reflects a cross-curricular approach where appropriate, not only celebrating the international nature of our school but ensuring that our children are taught the values that form the basis of British society.​ There are age-related expectations at the end of each academic year.

The Preparatory School Comprises


  • Lower Pre-Prep (EYFS) Pupils aged 3-5 (Nursery and Reception)
  • Upper Pre-Prep (KS1) Pupils aged 5-7 (Year 1 to Year 2)


  • Lower Prep (Lower KS2) Pupils aged 7-9 years old (Year 3 to Year 4)
  • Upper Prep (Upper KS2) Pupils aged 9-11 years old (Year 5 to Year 6)

Preparatory School Parent Handbook

School Rules

Be honest and truthful.

Inspire others to make good choices that keep us safe, even when using or playing with equipment.

Show respect for other people and their property.

Always do your best to listen to others, follow instructions the first time and show good learning behaviours.

Kindness is always shown to all adults and all children, this includes using kind hands and feet.

House System

Each pupil is placed in a “house” when joining BISAK. The houses comprise groups of pupils organised through the full age-range, allowing inter-year groups.  

In Prep School BISAK points are awarded based on a pupil’s achievement of the five core BISAK values: Belief, Internationalism, Success, Aspiration and Knowledge. Each half-term will focus on one of these five values. We expect our pupils to want to work hard, be polite and always be respectful to everyone so BISAK points are awarded for efforts that surpass these expectations – they truly must be earned. This adds value to our BISAK points and inspires our pupils to work hard to obtain them. Each BISAK point contributes to the total for their House and, thus, promotes teamwork, collaboration and a shared goal.


Academic Year 2024-2025

Pupils from Nursery (age 3) to Year 6 (age 11)